垂体腺;脑垂体 The pituitary gland or the pituitary is a gland that is attached to the base of the brain. It produces hormones which affect growth, sexual development, and other functions of the body.
Doctors later discovered he had a benign tumour on his pituitary gland that was causing his body to produce uncontrolled amounts of growth hormone. 后来医生发现乔尔森的下垂体上的一个良性肿瘤导致身体分泌了过多的生长激素。
Growth hormone is naturally produced by the pituitary gland, a pea-sized organ at the base of the brain. 生长激素是通过大脑基底部一个豌豆大小的器官脑下垂体自然产生的。
My impression, having worked with this Attunement for a while, is that it unquestionably generates moving vortices of subtle energy in my pituitary gland. 我已经听这个调音一段时间了,我的印象是其毫无疑问的在我的脑垂体内产生出精妙能量的移动漩涡。
When you generate an increase of light-flows within the pituitary gland and the endocrine system, you release a potent and powerful purification. 当你在脑垂体以及内分泌系统中产生出一个增大的光之流,你就释放出一个强有力的净化。
The secretions of the anterior pituitary gland control the activities of the adrenal cortex and other endocrine organs. 垂体前叶的分泌控制肾上腺皮质和其它内分泌腺体的活动。
Hormone secretion is controlled by the pituitary gland. 荷尔蒙的分泌是由垂体控制的。
Pituitary gland ( or hypophysis): Endocrine gland lying on the underside of the Brain. It plays a major part in regulating the endocrine system. 脑下垂体:位于脑下方的内分泌腺体。对内分泌系统的调节起重要作用。
Whether there is can the sella tarcica plus side position fault understand the pituitary gland tumor. 蝶鞍正侧位断层可了解有无垂体肿瘤。
The pituitary gland buds into a formation of 144 nodes that each produces a different hormone necessary to ascension. 垂体萌芽成144节点的形状,每一个节点产生提升所必要的不同荷尔蒙。
The base of the sella is seen here, above which is the tan-colored pituitary gland. 蝶鞍底位于中间下部,它的上面是灰褐色垂体。
The pituitary gland and stalk develop from the primordium which can be differentiated at22 days of gestational. 垂体腺和茎从妊娠期的第22天原始的分化细胞发展而来。
Secondary hypoadrenalism, or ACTH deficiency hypoadrenalism, is caused by diseases of the pituitary gland, which lead to adrenal failure as a secondary effect. 二级肾上腺功能减退,或者称为促肾上腺皮质激素缺乏,是由于脑垂体的疾病引起的,导致肾上腺疾病是其副效应。
Operations on the pituitary gland may also lead to Diabetes Insipidus, but as in the case of a head injury, this is often temporary. 垂体附近的手术也可能会导致尿崩症。但对于头部受创所导致的尿崩症一般都是暂时的。
The pituitary gland is at the base of the brain. 垂体腺位于大脑的底部。
Diabetes resulting from a disorder of the pituitary gland. 垂体紊乱而引起的多尿症。
The release of ACTH by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain is driven by a third hormone that is activated by the body's master clock. 身体的主时钟基础状态下激活另外一种激素刺激由脑垂体释放ACTH。
Follow-up MRI after 3 months of thyroxine treatment, pituitary gland reduced in size markedly. 治疗3个月后复查MRI示垂体明显缩小。
Its complex interaction with the pituitary gland makes it an important part of the endocrine system. 与脑下垂体间有复杂的关系,所以下视丘也是内分泌系统的重要部分。
In 1991, a study published in the journal Science seemed to show that the hypothalamus, which controls the release of sex hormones from the pituitary gland, in gay men differs from the hypothalamus in straight men. 在1991年,一个发表于《科学日报》的研究表明同性恋者的脑垂体(控制脑下垂体释放性激素)与异性恋者的不同。
Either of two hormones of the pituitary gland, luteinizing '.'hormone'. 从而影响促性腺激素释放激素及黄体生成素的水平。
For those of you more familiar with your inner realms, we suggest you imagine that the area of your pituitary gland is a white lotus flower floating on a still and infinite body of pure water. 对于你们之中更加熟悉你们内在领域的人们,我们建议你们将你们的脑垂体区域想象成是一朵白色的莲花,漂浮在纯净之水的静寂和无限的水面上。
I have been trying all kinds of different therapies before to cure my pituitary gland disorder, but none of them has any positive effect. 以前,我一直在尝试各种不同的疗法来治愈我的垂体障碍,但没有人有任何积极的效果。
Hold the mental impression of this white lotus in the area of your pituitary gland, and as with the first method, when your mind wanders, bring it back to the lotus and the area of your pituitary. 将这朵白色莲花的精神印象保持在你的脑垂体区域,并且与第一种方法一样,当你的注意力岔开,就要将其拉回到莲花和你的脑垂体区域。
Vitex is useful in normalizing pituitary gland functions and the balance of progesterone and estrogen levels. 牡荆是有益的正常化脑垂体功能和平衡的雌激素和黄体酮的水平。
Effect of Heat Stress on the Cytoarchitecture of Pituitary Gland Anterior Lobe in Mouse 热应激对小鼠垂体前叶细胞构筑的影响
In all five patients, the posterior pituitary gland ( bright spot) disappeared on T1-weighted MRI images. 全部患者均有T1加权像垂体后叶高信号的消失。
Research has proven that human growth can be stimulated by reactivating the Pituitary gland in the brain. 研究表心肠光明的人的生长可以经由过程再次刺激脑下垂体而患上以继续。
Having the pituitary gland removed by surgery: hypophysectomized tadpoles. 由外科手术切除脑下垂体的:切除垂体的蝌蚪。
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that controls the degree of pigmentation in melanocytes. 控制黑色素着色的程度的由脑下垂体分泌的荷尔蒙。
MRI Study of Normal Pituitary Gland in Adults Living at Altitude 高海拔地区成人正常垂体腺的MRI研究